Louvre Müzesi’ni Dolaşmak İster Misiniz?

Dünyanın en büyük sanat müzesi ve aslında tarihi bir anıt olan Louvre Müzesi’ne “gitmedim, gidemiyorum” diye üzülmeyin.
Bu video, sizi müzede sanal bir gezintiye çıkarıyor.

Louvre Müzesi, dünyanın en iyi sanat müzelerinden biri olduğu gibi en büyük müzelerinden birisi. 380.000 koleksiyona sahip müzede 35.000 eser sergileniyor. Bu videodaki yürüyüş turu, Denon Kanadı’ndaki Louvre Müzesi’nin 1. bölümünü içeriyor.

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Youtube Kanal: Wanderlust Travel Videos

Dakika dakika görebileceğiniz eserler:

▶(3:40) View under the Pyramid
▶(4:34) Start Louvre tour
▶(6:03) Salle des Caryatides Room
▶(06:14) Silenus carrying the infant Dionysus
▶(06:50) Artemis, goddess of the hunt, known as the ‘Diana of Versailles
▶(07:20) Old centaur tormented by Eros (Cupid), god of love
▶(08:12) Room 343 – Statue funéraire féminine
▶(08:19) Room 343 – Fragment de stèle funéraire : femme assise
▶(08:27) Room 343 – Lion funéraire
▶(09:00) Room 340 – Vase funéraire en forme de dinos
▶(09:59) The Athena of Velletri (Pallas de Velletri)
▶(10:23) Athéna armée du type “Athéna Parthénos”
▶(10:42) Zeus (Borghese Collection)
▶(10:46) Hermes Fastening his Sandal
▶(10:52) Borghese Ares
▶(10:59) Hermes Richelieu
▶(11:05) Venus Genitrix
▶(11:21) Borghese Venus
▶(11:33) Venus of Arles
▶(11:41) Statue – Aphrodite, The Venus de Milo
▶(11:44) Venus of Milo
▶(12:30) Tête d’Iris dite Tête Laborde
▶(12:35) Tenth metope from the south façade of the Parthenon
▶(12:44) Wing: Denon – Rotonde de Mars – Room 408
▶(17:18) Statue – Winged Victory of Samothrace
▶(19:45) Room 1 and 2
▶(20:40) Room 3
▶(22:12) Painting – The Virgin and Child with four Angels
▶(22:38) Hallway 13th 15th century paintings Italy
▶(26:18) Hallway 19th century paintings France
▶(28:07) Hallway 16th 17th century paintings Italy
▶(28:50) Hallway 17th 18th century paintings Italy
▶(28:50) Hallway paintings Spain
▶(29:48) Wing: Denon – Floor: 1st – Room 718
▶(30:02) PANINNI – Galerie de vues de la Rome moderne
▶(30:33) BATONI – Un homme aux talons rouges
▶(30:40) PANINNI – Galerie de vues de la Rome Antique
▶(30:54) BAZZANI – La Fille de Jephté
▶(31:12) EL GRECO – Le Christ en croix adoré par deux donateurs
▶(31:23) VERGNETTE – The Adoration of the Shepherds
▶(33:00) HERRERA THE ELDER – Saint Basil Dictating His Doctrine
▶(33:05) MURILLO – Angel’s Kitchen
▶(33:10) MURILLO – The Holy Family, known as the Virgin of Seville
▶(33:30) PANNINI – Fête musicale donnée par le cardinal
▶(33:35) SOLIMENA – Héliodore chassé du Temple
▶(33:41) PANNINI Préparation du feu d’artifice
▶(37:24) Room 19th century paintings France
▶(44:47) Room Mona Lisa
▶(45:49) Painting – Mona Lisa
▶(48:00) Staircase
▶(48:58) Statue – The Dying Slave
▶(50:18) Room B Etruscan and Roman Antiquities
▶(50:44) Room 30 Etruscan and Roman Antiquities
▶(50:44) Room 27 Etruscan and Roman Antiquities
▶(54:22) Room 27 Etruscan and Roman Antiquities
▶(54:22) Room A Etruscan and Roman Antiquities
▶(54:48) Floor – Roman tile floor

Maymun Çiçeği Virüsü Pandemi Etkisi Yaratır Mı?

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